According to BuildingGreen, we spend most of the time by staying inside, and due to pandemic it is safe to say that we spend our time at the house rather than going out like we used to. So, it is positive to say that your color selection for your own room is very important. Other than buying furniture, you also need to take note of your color selection for the room.  You need to look for colors that match the room’s environment and furniture too. Color influences mood, it’s a scientific reality. And since the colors in which we want to live will probably influence how we behave, think and feel, when selecting the color scheme of a room, we should certainly consider the personality of color. 

The question is, what room colors influence the moods?

 First of all know your colors:  


Warm: Reds, yellows,oranges, brown, and beige.

Cool: Purples, blues, and blue-greens.

Neutral: White, gray and black

There are two things you should consider when you want to pick the colors of your room, which is the primary function of the room and picking the predominant color to match the room concept furniture. For example, warm tones such as reds, yellows, and oranges, and earth tones such as brown and beige, also work well both in the living room and foyer, as they encourage conversation too. Those colors are warm and radiant. Since warm colors tend to advance, small rooms appear smaller and larger rooms appear more pleasant. On the other hand, cool tones are colors with cool undertones and include purples, blues, and blue-greens. Usually they use these colors in their cool furniture. Neutral colors have a different meaning in design and include a wide variety of colors. Grays and blacks have warm or cold undertones in decoration, which usually fall into one of the above two groups. 

The way you paint the room also could change the perception of interior spaces. It’s how we paint the room could enhance the high end contemporary furniture look.The architect has the right to modify important variables when designing an interior, be it artificial lighting, natural light, dimensions, or materials-with all those factors affecting the experience that the occupants would have in a room. 

Below we list some options for adjusting a landscape using only colors and contrasts of material to make : 

  1. Enlarge the Space

  • The best approach to build a sense of spaciousness in a setting is to use light colors that will reflect natural light and make surfaces look bigger to the eyes. 
  1. Compact the Space
  • At the other side, when the aim is to make the space look more compact, smaller and more comfortable, it may work well to opt for stronger colors at wall surfaces. These can consume most natural light, giving an enclosed feeling that can be useful for certain functions.
  1. Lower the Ceiling 
  • There are occasions when lowering the ceiling height will make the room more comfortable and offer a welcoming sensation. This feature will give the impression that the ceiling is lower when it is painted in a darker color than the walls or it leaves the material texture visible.
  1. Stretch the Space
  • This is just the same, in other cases. There are homes whose lower ceilings give the spaces a claustrophobic feel. Painting the walls in a more dark color and leaving the white ceiling makes it feel like a higher ceiling.
  1. Make the Space Wider
  • It is a technique typically used in corridors or small rooms. When the back wall and ceiling are painted with the same darker colors and the side walls are left white, the room would look wider and more spacious. With this way, though you have many 

home furniture, your room still looks like they got many spaces left. 

  1. Narrow the Space
  • Painting the two opposing side walls with dark colors and leaving the background and ceiling in bright white colors will make the space closer to the eyes and improve the proportions of rooms with unbalanced dimensions.
  1. Shorten the Space
  • If you have a very large space in your home and want it to feel more close, in contrast to lighter colors elsewhere, invest in the dark tones on the back wall.
  1. Highlight a Wall
  • It’s suggested to keep it a lighter color to highlight a wall while others have a darker tint. That is what makes the eye attracted to it.
  1. Shorten a Wall
  • If the idea is to make the walls shorter, applying a darker shade to the bottom of the wall will work.

When you are painting your room, for sure you have already decided what color to match your modern bedroom furniture sets. Or when we buy minimalist furniture online, we also want it to match the color with our room hence the reason why color plays an important role in interior designs.


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